Kolkata, September 2015

5.15 AM

She groaned and turned to lie on her stomach; sliding the phone she was holding in her left hand under the mountain of pillows her head was propped up against. She let snuggled deeper into the softness under her head and smiled. Her mother would have disapproved of the bedding. She would complained endlessly about how it wasn’t good for the back, the neck and practically every perceivable body part. But what was the point of being in a plush resort if she couldn’t even enjoy basic comforts such as three ultra-soft pillows under her neck and being away from Ma.

She closed her eyes at the thought and willed herself to sleep only to open them what only seemed like an eon later and check her phone again.

5.17 AM

“Screw it” Khushi muttered to herself and quickly pushed the covers back to jump out of bed. As her feet made contact with the cool, faux-brick tiled floor of the unfamiliar hotel room, she stretched her arms wide, allowing every nervous crick in her arms to ease itself out.

Except nothing was going to ease itself today, she thought to herself glumly as she allowed her arms to fall back to her sides with a loud floppy sound.

As if on cue, her mobile beeped, the sound almost garish in the way it pierced through the stillness of an imminent dawn. She stepped back to slide her hand under the pillow and extract the phone. She didn’t need to swipe the phone open to see who it was.

Since you are already up, can you please wake me up at 6.30? I have an early class today.

On any other day, she would have smiled at the message and shaken her head in wonder. On any other day, she would have swiped the message open and replied with as much enthusiasm as the message was sent with.

Today, however, the knowledge that her sister knew exactly how miserable she must be to have woken up an hour and half before she needed to, didn’t bring her any sense of relief, warmth or consolation.

“Stop being so dramatic, Khushi” She chided herself and walked into the in suite bathroom to begin what she knew was going to be a long, long day.

Forty-five minutes later, she was seated, fully dressed and more nervous than ever, in the breakfast lounge of the plush resort.  She could see the expanse of the Ganges from the open lounge, still grey in the prelude to dawn and yet so gentle and soothing in its flow, it made Khushi want to walk over and stare at the water and do nothing else. The river was at its serene best as she saw it, a vast change from how she was used to seeing her favorite river in the past few years.

Smiling softly, she turned her head away and glanced around the lounge. As expected, breakfast service had not yet started. In fact, the breakfast staff at the resort had only started to filter in a couple of minutes after Khushi had occupied a corner table, well hidden by a pillar. As she watched the staff began to meticulously go about their respective tasks, the mundane-ness of their activity seemed almost soothing to Khushi’s well-frayed nerves.

In those moments, Khushi envied everyone who was going about their day according to pre-defined, familiar, comfortable routines – those that they had been following for years without break.

If only she could be one of them today…

They said change was difficult. For Kaveri Khushi Gupta, that was the biggest understatement of her life. If there was one thing she hated, it was change. So much so that she could count on her fingertips, every major change that had occurred in her life as far back as her memory could go. Worse, she could recount every one of the days associated with the change with bitter clarity that rose in her throat like bile.

At one point, she had even considered the possibility of a mild case of Asperger’s.

Her mobile beeped again and Khushi picked it up, this time smiling as she read the brief text

Are we on Asperger’s yet?

The smile turned into a chuckle as she breathed in deeply and quickly typed up a reply.

Stop reading my mind.

As she expected her phone beeped with a reply before she could place it back discreetly on the table.

I wish I had the power. Unfortunately my talent is limited to years of forced company with you and a lot of access to your whining. And of course, My Name Is Khan.

Khushi grinned again and pressed the “call” button on her phone, not surprised when she heard her sister’s slightly groggy voice even before there could a ring tone.

“Good morning, Di.”

“You asked me to wake you up. So…” Khushi said drily. “Wake up.”

“Thank you, Di. You are the world’s best alarm clock. Even if you are a little too high strung for your own good.” Tripti said sleepily, her voice ringing with open amusement Khushi knew could be directly attributed to her state. “So, do you feel like throwing up yet?”

Khushi’s stomach growled in answer and she shook her head. “Not yet. Right now, I am just hungry. I just wish they would open the buffet soon.”

Tripti laughed. “Food is the answer to all problems, yeah?”

Khushi made a face. “It most certainly is the answer to nerves.”

“I never understood why new beginnings bother you so much, Di. I mean I understand nervousness about something unfamiliar but you aren’t twelve any more. How tough can it be?”

Khushi closed her eyes and sighed. “Let’s just say new beginnings scare me, okay? Change is my big fear. Like lizards are yours.”

As expected, there was a shriek from the other side of the phone. Khushi could see her sister’s horrified expression and her balled up position at the end of her bed. “Why? Why would you do that? I don’t need to start my day thinking about lizards…” Tripti said breathily, her voice quavering as she spoke. “You are mean. I hope you have a rotten week. Bye.”

“I will, don’t worry. Bye,” Khushi said with a wry chuckle and placed the phone on the table guiltily. She had been slightly mean. Tripti’s fear of lizards was legendary but real. It was a cheap shot to bring it up. In her own defense, however, Khushi couldn’t deny that her sister had been asking for it, what with all the teasing.

Once again, Khushi smiled at her own childishness. Some days she had remind herself that Tripti and she weren’t twelve and nine respectively. And yet, Khushi loved every minute of absolute ridiculousness that she shared with her sister. Knocking on wood quickly, she pushed her chair back and decided to walk up to where the buffet spread was being laid. She could smell the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and that marked the end of her patience.

As she was pouring herself a large mug of strong, black coffee, she felt a presence next to her. Turning her head, she looked up to see familiar warm brown eyes smiling down at her.

“Arjun!” She exclaimed. “When did you get here?” She asked, giving him a hug with her one free hand.

“Late last night. My flight got cancelled and airline didn’t have another flight to Kolkata. I had to pester, threaten, yell, plead – the airline to get any other airline, any other flight they could. It was such a nightmare. Don’t ask.” He said wearily, reaching out to pour himself a cup of hot tea.

“I told you to get in earlier. But no….”

“No lectures, Kavi. My head is still pounding. I couldn’t sleep last night. To top all my travel woes, they’ve given me a smoking room and it just…” He shrugged his shoulders as if shaking a coat of smoke off his shoulders.

It should have surprised her that even after all these years, Arjun couldn’t bring himself to call her Khushi. He was the only one who called her Kavi. And it was endearing. She was Kaveri to the world, Khushi to those she loved and Kavi to Arjun. A twinge of emotion she had long forgotten pinched her. If only… Khushi shook her head to clear the train of thoughts that she knew would follow.

Awwww, poor you.” Khushi said as they walked back together to the table Khushi had to herself. “No wonder you here already. You didn’t make it to breakfast even once in the last two years despite my constant pleading…”

“Pleading? More like bullying..” Arjun scoffed as he slid into the chair.

“Is it bullying if it doesn’t work?” Khushi asked rolling her eyes.

“Yes.” Arjun replied and then took a giant swig of tea. “I feel better.” He said with a dramatic sigh. “Anyway, how are you? Throw up yet?”

Khushi banged her palm against the table softly. “It happened once and that too because I had food poisoning. Stop badgering me both of you.”

Arjun frowned and looked around him. “Ermmm, Kavi – both? Has it come to hallucinations now?”

“Very funny.” Khushi replied. “I meant you and Tripti. She asked me the exact same question. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought you guys came up it together to annoy me.”

Arjun chuckled and went on to drain his cup of tea. “I can’t wait to get started.” He said as he put the cup down. If there was another thing that hadn’t changed in all the years that had gone by, it was his seemingly never-ending supply of enthusiasm. “I hear that orientation week at Alridge and May is one of the best in the industry. Very intense. In fact a couple of our classmates who started at MacMurphy’s last week were saying that they are adopting the A&M Week Zero at Murphy’s. Can you imagine?”

Khushi shrugged. “Stop talking like Murphy’s is God’s gift to the Management Consulting industry. I always preferred A&M.”

Arjun let out a snort. “I know we are here and everything, Kavi but A&M doesn’t come anywhere close to what the consultants at Murphy’s get to do, especially how much they get to charge their clients. Last I heard, their average billing rate is three times A&M’s at each level. There’s a reason for that, you know. They get the better talent.”

“And they breed the bigger jerks. I don’t care for MacMurphy honestly. And unlike you I never wanted to be placed with them. So…”

“Sure you didn’t.”

Khushi frowned, her brows knitting in fierce battle as she did. “I did not!” She exclaimed. “How can you forget? The first time we met the Murphy reps at the Consulting Club inauguration, I told you that they were rude and full of themselves. They may be the smarter ones but I wouldn’t want to spend one day with that firm.”

She knew that her voice had risen in volume considerably like it did when she spoke with feeling. And this was a topic she felt strongly about. Management Consulting had been her career of choice since she had first worked with a bunch of consultants in her first job as a R&D engineer at a leading car manufacturer. And once she had found her way to the Institute of Management, her dream had not only sharpened but also acquired a name – Alridge and May – one of the best Management Consulting firms in the country – one that was known to be different because it focused on employees as people and not just as the assets that rake in dollars. Khushi colored slightly and looked around to make sure she hadn’t attracted any attention to herself with her rant. Thankfully for her, it was still ten minutes short of 7 am and the breakfast lounge was still as sparsely populated as when she had first arrived.

Breathing a sigh of relief, she flicked her gaze back to Arjun. To her surprise, he was grinning from ear to ear at her.

“You did that on purpose.” She said, narrowing her eyes.

“Only so that you would realize that you wanted to be here. That this new beginning is a good one. And all the nervousness that’s making you chew your finger nails down to their roots, is ridiculous. Now, you can thank me by getting me a muffin from that tray.”

Khushi turned to look in the direction that Arjun was pointing at and quickly rose from her chair, ignoring Arjun’s guffaws as her stomach growled indecently.

“I need food.” She announced and quickly headed towards the buffet spread, not aware that her earlier nervousness had already disappeared into thin air.



A couple of hours later, they were finally seated (next to each other as expected), in the large boardroom that had been reserved for the new batch of consultants of 2014 at Alridge & May.

And Khushi’s hyperventilation, was back.

With a vengeance.

 “You have got to be kidding me!” Khushi exclaimed as she flipped through the program schedule that had been placed in front of her.


She looked up to see the rest of the rather quiet conference room looking at her, all of its occupants having come together instinctively to shush her unintentionally loud voice. She felt her face flood with color and smiled sheepishly at the others before mouthing a quick apology to the coordinator of who was looking at her with a bemused smile.


Khushi looked sideways to see Arjun flipping through the schedule and a few pre-read materials that they had been given at the start of the seven day orientation program. For a moment, she almost considered not telling Arjun about her discovery. He wouldn’t understand. Or maybe he would understand too much and then…

“You should be thankful you have four days to prepare yourself. What if that session had been the first one? Imagine that.”

Khushi narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously. “How long have you known?” She asked in a hushed whisper, thankful for the fact that the day hadn’t been kicked off yet. She needed to calm herself. As if it wasn’t enough that this was her first day on this job, the job of her dreams – one that would give her everything she had been conditioned to long for.

Arjun continued to read through the sheaves of paper in front of him. “About five minutes.” He answered without bothering to lift his head and look at her.

Khushi tilted her head to one side and raised her eyebrow in disbelief.

“Don’t give me the K-roll.” He said dryly, still continuing to keep his eyes averted from her gaze. “I saw the name a couple of minutes after we were given the agenda. And the only reason I didn’t bring it up is because I knew it would come up anyway.” He said drily. “And I am not lying.” He insisted a second later, finally lifting his head to look straight at her.

Khushi continued to stare into his eyes, scanning through them to see if she could spot anything that…

“I would have told you had I known, Kavi. At least give me that much credit. I haven’t actually been following his career you know?”

Khushi let out an ungainly snort. “Yeah, right. The term groupie was relevant at a point, if I remember correctly.”

“Anymore.” Arjun quipped, his voice forceful and simmering with something she hadn’t heard in a long, long time. “And groupie? I know we use the term rock star liberally but might be too much.”

Immediately she looked away. Every once in a while something came up to remind Khushi of just how thread-bare her relationship with Arjun had become at one point. The occasions had become fewer and farther in between in the last couple of years and still…

“You are not lying.” She repeated softly, more to herself than to her friend. She shouldn’t have doubted him in the first place. But when destiny had decided to make her life miserable at predefined intervals and one common recurrence, what choice did she have but lose sight of her basic instincts about people?

“You know, if only you had given your curiosity free reign in the past couple of years, you would have known too. Well, you would have at least known to anticipate this. Only you can be this surprised about an event with greater than ninety percent probability of occurrence, especially in age of social networking”

Khushi drew herself up to full height. “I am against social networking in principle and you know that. And please give me credit – I tried to like Facebook, pun intended. But I am sick of people flaunting what they have on one more platform. Pictures of exotic vacations, weddings that should strictly belong only to Karan Johar films, …”

“You like Karan Johar films.” Arjun interjected.

“Only Kuch Kuch Hota Hai and that is…” Khushi shook her head and held up her hand. “That’s not the point. I am sick of all these supposedly fantastic things happening to people. And have you seen the amount of PDA in there?  It makes me want to throw up…” Khushi gagged exaggeratedly. “My life is miserable enough, thank you very much.”

“There you go again!” Arjun whispered, his voice brimming with barely concealed exasperation. “Your life is not miserable.”

Khushi snorted again. “It’s an expression.”

“It’s not. You are just being a pessimistic idiot as always” Arjun concluded as went back to his reading.

Khushi continued to stare at her friend, her thoughts alternating between wanting to whack Arjun sharply for being too honest about his opinion of her and wanting to run away so that she would have to face what the week held in store. Unfortunately for her, she knew that neither was truly an option – the former because every word Arjun had uttered was true – she could be unrealistically pessimistic with very little warning; and the latter because, this job, this new beginning was everything she had worked all her life for – a career of her choice, financial independence and the path to a comfortable, even luxurious life

She looked down at the piece of paper in front of her, her eyes glued to the name that was threatening to disrupt her world. Again.

She should have known. She should have expected. After all if there had been one common thread that linked all her new beginnings in the last decade, other than nervousness and nausea, of course, it had been this…this name.

She allowed herself to read again, this time slowly as she digested every syllable

Friday, 2 pm – 5 pm

Session: Working In Teams – The Power of Synergy

Instructor: Arnav Varun (Senior Manager, Service Area: Strategy)

“Which office, Arjun?” She whispered. She didn’t have to look at Arjun’s what-do-you-think expression to know the answer to her question.

River Song, Music and Lyrics

Song Title: Aye Ajnabi

Album: Dil Se

Singers: Udit Narayan, Mahalakshmi Iyer

Music: AR Rahman

Lyrics: Gulzar

Tu to nahin hai lekin teri muskurahatein hain
Chehra nahin hai par teri aahatein hain
Tu hai kahan kahan hai
Tera nishaan kahan hai
Mera jahan kahan hai
Main adhoora tu adhoori jee rahein hain

216 thoughts on “Prologue: (Back To) Square One

  1. Hi Meera
    Read some of your lovely stories (twice :)). And couldn’t get access to the other ones… Everybody is raving about Emerald Isles Tales, etc. But, as usual, I am pretty late for everything. I did send requests for access, maybe even more than once… Sorry to be a pest if this is the case. I think you’ve granted me access to one of your blogs long time ago if I’m not mistaken, but I guess I cannot find my way back.
    Anyways, better stop rambling. I’m glad I’ve stumbled on this story. Hopefully, will finish before you close it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Meera … Thank you for keeping ARRTI accessible …

    Re reading it the 6th time … And welcoming the nostalgic feeling this journey is going to take me through again . Loving it …😍

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So here I am again. Reading “River” for the second time, in less than one week. Just couldn’t stop thinking about it.

    It’s a different feeling reading it for the second time. I know these people now, and can relate to every thought and situation they are going through. I am guilty of rushing through it for the first time in the anticipation of knowing what’s next. This time, I plan to savor every word, every song and every moment of this beautiful story.
    P.S. I will try not to write long and boring comments after every chapter, but kya kare kabhi kabhi control hi nahi hota :D

    Liked by 6 people

  4. The start was vague. One does not understand why Khushi is so restless. However, her talk about change, the struggles with adapting to the said change, the inhibitions. That is something I agree with, though in Khushi’s case, the problem is more serious. We see Tripti simply predicting her sister’s mood. Throughout the story, I realised that though I have a real brother in my life, I do love him very much, I miss the companionship of a real sister. Arjun makes an entrance, and we realise that Khushi in this story is just not the Khushi that we all know of, but is Kavi or Kaveri. I love the name Kaveri too. It is just too poetic. Kaveri Khushi Gupta. A beautiful name, made me wish for a few minutes, that I were named like that. Also, we see a glimpse of a natural camaraderie between the two. Then finally – Arnav Varun. Strange name. Nevertheless, I have always liked how you name your characters. Swami from AWW.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Hello Meera,

    How are you….

    Got to know about this story recently by chance from https://ipkkndficverse.wordpress.com/2018/03/08/the-cracktastic-burn/ and I am so happy to be here…

    Starting with picture and title and names for all especially Kaveri and Varun. and the way she has different names from different people is so special…four relationships already here in prologue..like the calcutta bg..and corporate conference..which I really admire…I am scared of lizards too…

    The first day was so nostagalic…and the bollywood connection too…she is a strong girl to be there in first place..great bonding with Arjun and Tripti…what introduction of our hero in varanasi is so awesome…
    Love your writing as always!

    PS: your color of winds and careless whispers are my favourites….



  6. Thanks a lot Meera for granting me access. I couldn’t have last long without reading this amazing story again. It has become a routine for me to read ATLEAST one chapter before my day ends… couldn’t thank you enough for sharing such a wonderful story which I feel really close to as I could relate to it and the characters at some level. Thanks again for granting me access to this amazing world of AV sir and his Khushi.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Yesterday, on Kaveri’s birthday, I was at an A R Rahman concert, and had the privilege of seeing and listening to Udit Narayan singing “Ae ajnabi” (he didn’t sing the second half of the song containing the lines highlighted for this prologue, sadly). My heart flew here and I remembered that February day in 2015 when this prologue was posted and we all had wondered why they were ajnabi. And you had left us with that name “Instructor: Arnav Varun (Senior Manager, Service Area: Strategy)”…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. P!!! How was it? I really want to know. (AR Rahman and Sonu Nigam concerts have forever been on my bucket list. So, please excuse my excitement and petty jealousy. :))

      “Instructor: Arnav Varun (Senior Manager, Service Area: Strategy)”
      It feels like yesterday. Sigh.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. It was fantastic! I have seen Rahman in concert before, that’s quite a while back.
        There was this African American lady we got talking to while waiting to get inside the venue, who told us she had seen Rahman concerts twice before and this time she had come just to see Udit Narayan!
        Sonu I have not seen. I’ve seen Hariharan, Chitra, Sunidhi, Shankar Mahadevan, KK…
        My first Rahman concert (2000-2001), if my memory is correct had hariharan, chitra, sadhana sargam…
        It still is so fresh , sigh. You read prologue even now, after having read the whole story more than once and it leaves you wondering who is this person that has got her in knots, an ajnabi who has been a sort of constant too.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. That’s great. I’m glad you enjoyed Rahman and the River. The combination itself is heady, no?

          It seems you and I are eternally doomed to live with this need for the River. :) On re-reads, so many of my thoughts still slip into dissections of what, whys and how’s even though the answers are there. With you there, P.

          PS: Maybe it’s time I invested in a white saree. :p

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Kaveri would’ve felt vindicated?!!!
            It makes you happy that in spite of all the differences the most unlikely things can connect people. The kind of things that people would shrug off as trivial. I was reminded of this video I had watched few years back when we were talking to that lady.

            Cr: YT/Uploader

            Liked by 1 person

  8. Intriguing start..
    Khushi is shocked to know that she will have to meet Arnav ..
    She blames Arjun for not telling her before but he denies..
    Y’s she so reluctant//
    What was their equation in the past??

    Tripti….must be a character full of life n energy..

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Thank you Meera for reopening the Blog. I was with you during Careless Whispers. I fell in love with your stories after reading Colours of the Wind on IF. I was kind of a silent reader on WordPress. Thank you for giving me a chance to read that story. I was too shy to post comments in those days. But, I won’t do that mistake again. I will try to post a comment on each chapter this time around.
    Thank you……..

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Kaveri Khushi Gupta and Arnav Varun have history which goes back 10 years. Arjun seems to be her friend for a long time as well. But, Does she have feelings for him? I love Tripti. Their conversations are already endearing. Khushi can’t stay hungry for a long time and she does not like change. Hmm, change is the only constant we have. Doesn’t she know?
    Did Khushi land here without knowing Arnav Varun works here? Or did she think she will never have to face him for reasons unknown to us?
    Off to chapter 1.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Dear Meera!! Thank you thank you lakho thank you for reopening the blog!! Oh how much I love this story and have missed it dearly!! It is like the gold standard for any FF I read..
    Your KKG , AV, Arjun and Tripti are carved in the hearts!! Can’t wait to read again..


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Also, you may call me greedy but #whatAboutArjunAndTripti.??
      ‘Later is ok, Never is not..’ that’s what he had said and I want to say the same to you 😘😘


      Liked by 2 people

  12. It is such a bliss to read this story again with new eyes.. . Meera, your amazing genius has buried so many hints and Easter eggs in this prolog.. I see them now and had completely missed them first time.. 👏👏

    Khushi is an early riser, a habit that continues in the story.. Her sister is one smart cookie.. Their relationship is amazingly frank, teasing yet close. Khushi knows it is pointless to be nervous about new beginnings yet she can’t shed the feeling..Does she know that it is the foreboding of the certain two lettered man’s arrival back in her life. 😚😚

    The Ganges makes appearance right here.. Like it needs to be present on all important points in her life..

    Arjun!! 😍😍 The easy banter he and khushi have is such a natural one for friends and I love their dialogs and silences both equally.. He knows exactly how to irritate her and then make her nervousness disappear.. They have a wonderful understanding and acceptance of each other at this stage.. It completely hides all the heartache and calamities that have happened already.. Never had I guessed that these two had literally gone down and up in their relation and then came to such beautifuly strong friendship.

    ‘I can’t wait to get started.” He said as he put the cup down.!!’
    First Easter egg found! 😜😜 This he meant for Tripti and he starting to tease khushi together! How stupid was I to think he was talking about their upcoming training..😁😁

    Arnav Varun!! Only the name makes appearance but as they say ‘Naam hi kafi hain.. ‘ 😘😘
    Khushi is blissfully unaware of the fact that he is in same company and Arjun has conveniently kept quiet about the topic, not to rattle the peace. There is very liitle about him here but we are hyperventilating with Khushi nevertheless!!

    This paragraph –
    ‘After all if there had been one common thread that linked all her new beginnings in the last decade, other than nervousness and nausea, of course, it had been this…this name.’. – Just gives jhalak of what is to come.. . Little does Khushi and we know that the beginning in A&M itself was his doing.!!
    One.can only try to guess what all has passed in the water of the Ganges but no guesses would come close to how it unfolds later!! This is such a mysterious and enchanting beginning..

    Love, love your writing.. I am planning to slowly relish the entire journey this time.. Last time I had read it like a hungry reader..trying to finish as fast as possible!! Hopefully you will kindly keep this amazing story open..😘😘



  13. This blog and this story….!!!
    Reopening of this story is like the best thing to have happened in a long long time..!!!
    I fell in love with AV, Khushi, Tripti and Arjun the first time around and can’t wait to fall in love again with them..!
    I was a silent reader till some time ago, but never committing that mistake again :)
    Thank you Meera, thank you for writing such a heartwarming, beautiful and musically magical story and giving us a taste of Sapno Ki Duniya in the AD!! :) :)

    Liked by 1 person

  14. In this time of fear, panic and uncertainty, this story is a remedy for me.. Thank you for re-opening this blog… I wish this will never ends.. I wish you will write again something like this..

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I’m so excited to find this open!

    Hi Meera, I’ve heard so much about ‘A River…’ and ‘Emerald Isle Tales’. Joined the ficverse late, and didn’t think I’d get a chance to read any of them. Thank you for opening this up… Going to jump right in :)

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Meera you doing good?
    Hope all my Sanki Sisters -(Meera, Anu , meenu,sohniye, divsk, kavi,ladkikijhy,sansid123,Ekta,Readingbee,starcrossedhaa,sandya,)are safe amidst this Coronavirus scare.
    If you here please just drop a line. I would really appreciate to hear that you are safe and sound.
    by the way it’s great read stuck in house during this (house arrest) period. Thank you for that Meera

    Liked by 1 person

  17. OMG !!!! I have a daily ritual where I try to land on your blogs to see if the access has been granted ! Imaging my surprise and giddiness as I discover it has ! I have been introduced to the world of Arnav-Khushi 7 years too late (started watching the serial only last year) and then got immersed in their alternate universes via various amazing, genius FFs. Almost all the must-read lists had your stories listed on them and hence was dying to get a chance to read them ! Thank you so much this access!

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Hi Meera, I am here , reading your magnum opus
    Happy to see some sisters from SC
    Very good start with known ajnabee ( Varun )
    ARR reference got me thinking about an entire Rahman concert with Berkeley students ( except Haricharan)
    Most songs sung by ARR himself like, oorvasi,Dil se, kwaja, maa tujhe salaam, maula,patakha kuddi
    Hope you are safe

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Lovely prolog 😊

    Can understand the nervousness in new beginnings .. you will be not knowing what is in store for.

    Sisterhood is amazing. I have 2 lovely elder sisters.. you will get to experience everything with them.

    Friendship between Arjun and Kaveri looks refreshing 😊

    Looking forward to read more about Arnav and Kaveri.

    I will stick Kaveri because I am from Karnataka and know the importance of river Kaveri 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Nice start!!!
    I love the name kaveri!!
    I like this arjun!!
    Why is arnav, arnav varun??? Why not ASr???
    Lets see whats next!!!


    1. This story has nothing to do with the original show except the names Khushi and Arnav. Just want to let you know in advance – please do not expect anything like the original IPK :)

      Liked by 2 people

  21. I wanted to read this as soon as I finished A Word’s Worth but work came in between!
    So intrigued by the story as always.
    Will be reading a little slowly due to work pressure so please don’t make it private ❤🙏🏻

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Dear Meera,
    I am an old, old reader. I don’t hope you to remember me. But I was co-traveler of your journey of A Word’s Worth, Careless Whispers and off course An Emerald Isle Tale. It has been a long long time since I have read any stories on the forum or in any blog. One fine day, a few weeks ago I started to miss A Word’s Worth. I searched and I found it’s still there for the reader’s to read. When I was re-reading it, I felt all the emotions, exasperation, joy and countless other emotions as it was the first time I was reading it. Such is the power of your writing. And oh boy! Did I miss it? Tremendously!
    So you can imagine the happy dance I just did when I tumbled upon this blog. I can’t believe there is a full length story for me to read! A tight virtual hug for you.
    Ok! Enough of my blabbing. Here I come to read it! :D :D :D

    Amrita (sochanatha)

    Liked by 1 person

  23. I didn’t miss the anniversary inspite of the Texas sized winter storms that has quite literally brought Texas to its knees!
    A song for Arjun’s AV Sir and Kavi

    I know your image of me
    Is what I hoped to be
    I treated you unkindly
    But darling, can’t you see?
    There’s no one more important to me
    Baby, can’t you see through me?
    ‘Cause we’re alone now
    And I’m singing this song to you

    Cr: YT/Uploader

    I hope you’re well Author Saahiba. Take care.


  24. Hi Meera! I’m a new reader here. I’ll be honest to you. I’ve not read any of your work and just came across A river runs through it! I’m liking your writing style. I see you’ve used names differently. I’ll take my time to read this one but I’m sure I’ll fall in love with your story. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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