Dinner was eventually a significantly above average meal at twenty-four hour café housed by the hotel where Maddy was staying. And the hour they spent was pleasant, even fun – thanks to the fact that it was all four of them at the table, discussing the happenings of the week, laughing at some of the madness they had found themselves in. Arnav, true to his position as the senior most on the team stayed quiet for the most part and allowed the rest of them to talk, without contradicting anything that was said. Khushi didn’t fail notice or wonder how much of what was intentional and perhaps being used as learning about his people.

At the end of dinner, Khushi and Arnav made their way to the car for the short ride back to the Inn where they were staying. Once seated, awkwardness that had largely been non-existent for the better part of the week, came rushing back, almost as if the night had seeped between them from the memory of another time when there was no distance and yet no heartbreak. Arnav remained quiet as he pulled out of the parking and veered the silent vehicle out to the main road.

“Would you prefer to stay here instead of the Inn?” He asked a couple of minutes of silence later, once again surprising Khushi with how perceptive he really was. She might as well have spelled out the comparison between the more modest dwelling they inhabited versus the clearly more flashy version the rest of their team did.

“The Inn is better suited for long term stay. I know it’s not very luxurious but its fully equipped kitchenette allows you to cook yourself simple meals at least once in a while.”

She shook her head. “I cannot cook to save my life. But I understand.” She really did have moments where she had wondered at what point the constant eating out would get to her – not to mention completely derail her fitness program. Already the week that had gone by had done so without exercise. Eight weeks of this and she would be right back where she started a few months ago. And what would Raagini say? Sighing inaudibly, she looked to her left and found herself asking unexpectedly. “Do you cook?”


She looked out again as the twinkling lights in the clear sky above shimmered even as the silence settled back between them.

“What do you plan to do for the weekend?”

Khushi looked at him in surprise as she realized that she was solely incharge for her time over the weekend in a land where she knew no one and had no place to go to except if she decided to fly out to New York to meet her friend from school. Ha! If only she was the person who could pull off impromptu plans. Inertia and miserliness were bosom buddies and far too deeply entrenched drinking chai from the same pyali in her lazy, middle-class soul. “Sleep.” She answered eventually.

“I will be out till Sunday evening starting tomorrow afternoon but I can take you out for breakfast tomorrow morning.” He said as the car drove in to the parking lot of the Inn and came to a quiet halt just outside her block. “If you’d like, that is.”

He was going to be out all weekend?

Of course he was going to be out all weekend.

He lived here for the most part of a year. He probably had friends to meet. Someone who was more than a friend perhaps? Her heart squeezed at the thought for a microsecond before she mentally smacked herself. She didn’t care. She couldn’t care. This was not AV-Sir. This was not even Arnav. This was AV – Senior Manager, Strategy; Project Lead for Wyatt Motors’s Emerging Markets Entry Strategy assignment being delivered by A&M Consulting at their world headquarters. She knew nothing of this man except that he was a professional superstar. And that was enough.

“No, I’ll be fine. I’ll probably just sleep in till late.”

He finally turned to look at her. She thanked the heavens that it was too dark outside and within for either of them to really see each other. She blinked as she caught the light in his glasses.

“I’ll…Wait a second, I’ll park the car here and hand you the keys. I won’t be needing it and you can…”

‘No, no…I won’t need it. I am hardly the type to sight-see alone. I’ll be fine.”

“Not much to sight-see in Detroit, alone or otherwise. But you will need to eat at least four meals over the next couple of days. And I am sure you have laundry to do.” He said as he revved up the engine and deftly manuevred the vehicle into the empty slot just outside her room. When he turned the ignition off, she let herself out and shivered slightly as the icy air brushed against her face and sneaked into the gaps in her coat. She pulled her arms around her and waited as Arnav walked over and held the keys out.

It was probably just her imagination that she had seen something flicker in his eyes – or perhaps it was the quick reflection of lights from the room above hers in his glasses.

“Good night.” He said softly as her hands closed around the keys and his fell away without contact with her skin.

“Good night.” She whispered with a half smile which he didn’t return.


Some time later that night or early next morning as one chose to see it, before closing her eyes in defeat after a lost battle with sleep, she would wonder if there was any way by which she would have forgotten all about that link that Arjun sent her way before he disappeared like he always did. Idiot. Why was she even friends with him?

Nevertheless, her patience only lasted the time she changed out of her work clothes into a loose T-shirt she had picked from the plus size Men’s section back home – the only ones that hung on her like the baby-blue shirt Julia Roberts sported in Notting Hill the morning after she slept with Hugh Grant. She smiled sheepishly when she realized how firmly the image was imprinted in her head and how unfixable her filminess really was. Once snuggled into the thick white duvet, the heating in her room working overtime to fight the frost of the world outside, she took exactly two minutes to curse herself for closing the chat window with Arjun without saving the link and then quickly jumped to YouTube to search for the title she wouldn’t forget anytime soon.

The video came on quickly and twinkled into her ears before punching her gut with a force too strong for a body tired and a heart desperately working to save itself.

There he was, in the center of a carefully arranged set up of singers forming the chorus, the instrumentalists – him on the acoustic guitar and another on an electric one.

And beside him was Nishant-Sir, his face brilliantly plump, head full of curly hair that gave him the appearance of a maestro. Her heart warmed immediately at the sight. Why had she lost touch with this person, she wondered? Was it Arjun’s comment about Nishant-Sir having had feelings for her? No, she concluded. She was the kind of person who let people go irrespective of how important they were to her. Arjun, in fact was the only one to have survived. And it was largely to his own credit. After all, the truth was that if Arjun had not shown up at the station when she was first leaving for Bangalore, she might never have reached out to him of her own accord.

AV-Sir, however, had no such issues clearly. It was ten years later, more than that infact, and he was still singing with Nishant Kumar Pathak. And were they singing!

The guitar strummed against his fingers, even as the keyboard mimicked the accordion and merged into the notes.

And it was Arnav who started, his fingers twisting against the strings on one end and the pick at the other.

Paani da, rang vekh ke

Paani da, rang vekh ke

Paani da, rang vekh ke

Aankhiyaanch, hanju rudd de

Aankhiyaanch, hanju rudd de

The chorus finished the line and waited for the other voice to pick the song up as AV, shrugged at Nishant-Sir.

Maahiya na aaya mera, maahiya na aaya

Maahiya na aaya mera, maahiya na aaya

Raanjhana na aaya mera, maahiya na aaya

Maahiya na aaya mera, raanjhana na aaya

And Arnav took over again.

Akhaan da, noor vekh ke

Akhaan da, noor vekh ke

Aankhiyaanch, hanju rudd de

Aankhiyaanch, hanju rudd de

Aankhiyaanch, hanju rudd de

As the background music stilled for a second, in a perfect imitation of the original – which not surprisingly Khushi knew as well as those singing on the screen seemed to. And Nishant-Sir picked up once again, his slightly sufi voice blending in effortlessly with Arnav’s more playback-ish voice

Kamli ho gayi tere bina, aaja raanjhan mere

Kamli ho gayi tere bina, aaja raanjhan mere

Baarish barkha sab kuch beh gayi, aaya nahi jind mere

Baarish barkha sab kuch beh gayi, aaya nahi jind mere

The intensity of Nishant-Sir’s voice was still as stinging as it was when she first heard his Teri Deewani rendition. And though in the moment, it had been her fledgling feelings for Arnav that she had associated with that song, over the years, it was Nishant-Sir she thought of fondly when she heard strains of it playing in buses and tea-shops.

Akhaan da, noor vekh ke

Akhaan da, noor vekh ke

Aankhiyaanch, hanju rudd de

Aankhiyaanch, hanju rudd de

Aankhiyaanch, hanju rudd de

The guitars stopped and stummed in all strings for a second as the camera panned and then zoomed into Arnav’s face, the lights shimmering behind his head like a halo. His eyes glowed unfettered by glasses and his face gleamed in yearning that she had deliberately forgotten.

Kothe utte baihke, ankhiyaan milaunde

Na jaana humein tu kabhi chhod

Tere utte marda, pyaar tenu karda

Milega tujhe na koi aur

Her heart spun around her spine in an axis of heartache as the screen now focused on his eyes alone and nothing else. The moment was short, so short that with anyone else, she might not even have noticed the little movement. This was a video, she reminded herself even as she told herself to breathe. He wasn’t singing for someone, especially for her. And the words….they were coincidental. She might have been the one to leave. She might have been the one to never find another. But…it was not possible. Five years was a long time. It was a LONG time, more than most couples her age now had together.

Tu bhi aa, sabko chhod ke,

Tu bhi aa, sabko chhod ke,

Meri, ankhiyaanch hanju rudd de

Her eyes filled suddenly, the years of guilt and wondering whether she had been right or wrong, squeezing her chest painfully enough to make her want to forget about her no crying alone or otherwise rule.

Now Nishant-Sir and AV looked at each other and sang together, a small smile on both their lips as the camera zoomed out and panned to all the chorus and instrumentalists by turn as the song came to an end and the group together in pre-arranged sync.

Paani da, rang vekh ke

Paani da, rang vekh ke

Paani da, Rang vekh ke

Aankhiyaanch, hanju rudd de

Aankhiyaanch, hanju rudd de

The lights deemed one by one and eventually blanked the screen out as the music dimmed and came to a stop. And once again, the silence in her room screamed in her ears.

She flipped laptop close and threw it aside, her eyelashes sweeping against her cheeks in a damp trail of self-inflicted destiny as she absently reached out to her right and plunged her room into darkness with the flick of a button.


The bunch of keys remained lying hapless and unattended on the small wooden desk in her room for the better part of the night and next morning. Breakfast was a hurried affair when she woke up in a haste close to closing time. After breakfast, Khushi sauntered back to the room, taking the straight path instead of a roundabout around the parking lot, just to avoid running into Arnav – after all he did mention that he would be out only starting afternoon. The hours rolled by slower than she had ever experienced in her lifetime. She – who couldn’t ever have enough time to herself to do what she most wanted – was bored by the time it was two in the afternoon. Reruns of House MD held little appeal. Friends was cheerful to indulge in. Maggi made lunch and lifted her spirits a little but by early evening, though it was already dark, the thought of making a Walmart trip began to sound very appealing. She could, of course, go to the little gym in the Inn and work some of her nervous energy out. But then, what kind of sensible person would that make her?

So, around five in the evening, she had a bath, got dressed and layered herself with the sole aim of making her first solo driving trip in the US, even if it was only a mile of driving in all. Thankfully, over the week, Arnav had been anal enough to force her to drive at least one way every day – usually in the morning.

And hour later, she was back in the room, having successfully completed her solo trip to Walmart. She felt a sense of accomplishment unparalleled by those she had actively spent more time and effort on. She chuckled to herself as she placed the flimsy white bag full of completely unnecessary buying. And to think she had always claimed she was one untouched by retail therapy. Perhaps given the right circumstances, everyone was…

The sharp buzz of her phone rudely interrupted the thought. She looked at the digital alarm by the bed and frowned. It was still too early in India for anyone to call her. So she hurried to pick her phone up and was even more surprised to see a local Detroit code flashing on the screen.

Arnav? She took a deep breath and answered the call with a tentative “Hello”


She let out a deep breath. Not Arnav. And no, she wasn’t disappointed. Just incredibly confused. Who could possibly call her here on her US number? And then the thought occureed in flash of disappointment. Work! It had to be! Dammit. Served her right for complaining about being bored.

“Yes?” She answered and crossed her fingers and toes. Please, Shiv-ji, let it not be work.

“How are you?”

She frowned. What was this? “I’m good. Who’s this?”

There was a small chuckle on the other side. Too soft. “You didn’t recognize me, of course.”

Err… “No,” She said half defensively and then chided herself. Why was she feeling stupid? The person who was doing this should be feeling idiotic. Who did this? “Who is this?” She asked again, her voice now a lot sterner than it had been.

Chuckles followed once again, this time louder and somewhat familiar. “I know it’s been almost a decade but…okay answer this – did you finally get classical music training or not?”

The lights came on in her head not unlike a comic book. She could literally picture the thought cloud above her head bursting with light as bulb flickered to life. A smile split on to her face in warmth she couldn’t believe she was capable of for someone she hadn’t seen in – he was right – almost a decade. “Nishant-Sir? Is that you?”

This time the laughter was unmistakable – still hesitant and too soft. How had she not placed him immediately? It was so obvious. And so uncanny. Just last night was the first time she’d seen Nishant-Sir in a decade and now…

“Chalo, thank God! It’s not all bad yet,” He was saying, still chuckling.

Khushi’s smile widened. “This is such a surprise. How…” She shook her head, “How did you get my number? How did you even know I am in the US and…how come you are here too? Arjun? Did he tell you? I didn’t even know he was in touch…”

“This must have been the most Ive heard you speak ever, Kaveri. Stop, stop.”

Khushi chuckled and sat down on the bed. He was right. And she was surprised by herself.

“I live here – in Detroit. The otherside of town from where you are but the same town nevertheless.”

“Oh really? You do? That’s such a coincidence.”

“It’s about to get weirder.”

Khushi frowned bemusedly. “Matlab?”

“Matlab, I work with Wyatt Motors. In the R&D function. I head the Vehicle design group.”

“Oh wow! That is just so cool.” Khushi said as genuine awe filled her mouth. He must be very good at what he did to work with Wyatt’s R&D. And Vehicle Desig…Now here was someone who was using his engineering degree well.

“Cool is having AV tell me that IE-V’s famous first year mech girl is in Detroit and as a hot-shot consultant. Can you believe he is still such a mystery man – he must have known for what,” The phone seemed to shuffle on the other end as his voice became dimmer, “You’ve known for at least a month, AV? And you tell me now and you don’t tell her at all.”

Arnav. Of course. Suddenly so much seemed to make sense. Nishant-Sir’s connections must have helped Arnav make his own connections at Wyatt. He stayed here for months – he had to have a social life. And the music video that she had seen last night…

“Anyway, I am so glad AV told me when he did. This weekend is all gone. But let’s meet next weekend? AV usually comes down and stays with us. You should come with him next time.”

She didn’t know what to say. Saying no was rude. And saying yes was dangerous. She found herself saying something non-committal even as Nishant Kumar Pathak restated how happy he was to have connected with her after so many years – a declaration she resoundingly reciprocated. They spoke for a few more minutes – mostly about Arjun and how Nishant and Arjun had infact been in touch uncharacteristically sporadically over the years and that he hadn’t spoken to Arjun in almost two years – the time that he had made the transition to Wyatt from another auto-maker in the city. The call ended with Nishant-Sir re-extending the invitation for her to join Arnav the next time he made his usual weekend trip.

Later that night, she watched the Pani Da Rang video again and once more after that, this time focusing as much on Nishant-Sir as she did on Arnav. She smiled to herself as the second viewing came to an end and as YouTube prompted another user video which she decided against watching. What all was this man capable of? Music videos? In addition to being a top-performing consultant and as busy as she knew client-facing management consultants were.

And how absolutely surreal would it be to take Nishant-Sir up on his offer for her to visit. She decided she would go if the invitation came about again closer to the end of the week. Yes. She would go. She didn’t know whether the decision would last till it was actually time to execute but she owed it to her eighteen year old self to go meet these people again. Perhaps, Shiv-ji really was giving her the closure she was so sure she didn’t need.

River Song, Music and Lyrics

Song Title: Naam Gum Jaayega

Album: Kinara

Singer(s): Lata Mangeshkar, Bhupendra

Music: R. D. Burman

Lyrics: Gulzar


Jo guzar gayi, kal ki baat thi

Umrh toh nahi, ek raat thi

Raat ka sira agar, phir mile kahin

Meri awaaz hi pehchaan hai

Gar yaad rahe




  1. Thank you all for reading and for waiting so patiently as I deal with a rather cruel real world.
  2. Next Update: Monday, May 1, 2017 late night IST
  3. While I ask you to wait, might I also suggest a couple of pieces of sheer brilliance, toe curling, intense and everything we love about romantic fiction.
    1. Begin Again by chotidesi (Meena Narayan): This is not Fan-fiction but please don’t let that stop you from diving right in. Not to be missed and the best way to encourage a former fan-fiction writer from amongst us! She just posted Chapter Twenty a couple days ago and I hope (I want to say I am sure) that she will see this through.
    2. One Day At A Time by Sohni: This one is from our very own Appu / Sohniye. Set in the early-mid 90s, this one is a toe curling riot of colors – friendship, love and romance. With Chapter Ten posted earlier this week, the story is poised to take that dive that plunges readers right into the depths of story-telling. Her first outing as an author, she says. I am inclined to distrust her – how can debuts be this well done? (I hope to be able to share another debut as soon as she hits her Chapter Ten mark :))



407 thoughts on “Chapter Nine: In (Full?) Circles

  1. I ‘had’ to come back :-)
    Khushi seems to be quite progressive… she’s inching towards taking the decision to spend the weekend at NK’s without knowing much (or rather anything) about his roomies ;-) And, how many guest bedrooms does NK’s townhouse have? He must be doing pretty well for himself at Wyatt, tho assumption of at least a townhouse tho bantaa hai.
    We are already talking about birthday surprises here.. so Meera, how exactly are we placed on the time-lines? Are we close to Mar 17 already? I hope you do some choo-mantar and drive NK (and family) out of town on or around that day.. so our do-deewane can have their own moments :-)
    Another passing thought — why is Arnav driving around in an SUV? Despite his seniority, I would think he is eligible only for a compact or a standard rental car.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. I don’t think business consultants are scrutinized a lot. Have a friend who rents what ever he wants…I’ve even seen him rent a super expensive convertible once…and his answer was ‘When else will I ever get the chance to experiment ;) )

      Liked by 3 people

      1. hmmm… good point!
        My other half (I claim to be the ‘better’ one :D) is a consultant too (one of the many reasons I connect to everything Meera writes here :-) ). And although he doesn’t run on ‘actuals’ on a daily basis and literally enjoys his Mon-Thurs stints at the client’s location, there definitely are company norms. Even Partners at his firm don’t have the luxury of renting out an SUV. Guess it really depends on how much the firm is raking in the moolah ;-)

        Liked by 4 people

  2. ” She was the kind of person who let people go irrespective of how important they were to her. ”

    This described not just Khushi but a lot of people from our generation. I wonder how our parents managed to keep in touch with friends and family in spite of lack of communication modes available to us.

    (Disclaimer: I do not belong to this category but husband and a big chunk of friends circle is)

    Liked by 5 people

      1. Over the years, I have lost touch with a lot of (then) friends but none who is important or with whom I still have a connect.

        I am more in touch with some of my friends in India, being in Europe than , a few who are living in the same city there.

        I have lost someone extremely close to me at the age of 19, and never told him how much he meant to me. It taught me a very important lesson at an early age.

        Liked by 4 people

  3. Hi Meera

    When will you open the mystery of AV sir? Khushi is so insecure. She doesn’t want to try to mend the relationship.. on the other hand, we don’t have any idea about our AV sir. Eagerly waiting for the mystery of AV sir to open.. also waiting to see will Khushi open her wall at least to listen to Arnav

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Thank you Meera for including Naam gum jayega, I have fond memories attached to this gen and all got alive because of it being here.

    What can I say about people who are ruled by their emotions
    They end up loosing so much at times tonight when Khushi cried on her self inflicted misery for once I felt like crying with her, her one wound is affecting so many of her bonds yet I am glad that she has decided to give herself a gift of her time at 18. I m sure she will enjoy the reunion

    Liked by 4 people

  5. What flickered in his eyes??!!
    Is he angry or irritated with her for her awkward behaviour around him??
    He asked whether she wantsvto stay with other colleagues..i feel he should just shift her there coz looking at Khushi’s behaviour I really feel that she isnt gonna come out of her insecurities n this time Arnav is not gonna initiate anything..!!
    Nk is back n m happy that atleast Arnav has someone with whom he can share things just like Khushi has Arjun. Hoping that Nk n Arjun help these two to come close..
    Next weekend pls come soon

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I re read this chapter and Meera this what i have to say..!!!

      Quit playin’ games with my heart
      Before you tear us apart
      Quit playin’ games with my heart
      I should’ve known from the start
      You know you got to stop
      You’re tearing us apart
      Quit playin’ games with my heart..

      I live my life the way
      To keep you comin’ back to me
      Everything I do is for you
      So what is it that you can’t see
      Sometimes I wish I could turn back time
      Impossible as it may seem
      But I wish I could so bad, baby
      You better quit playin’ games with my ❤️

      This song reminds me of these two ..!!

      Liked by 2 people

  6. I’m really really waiting for that update where AV will speak out in all his glory leaving khushi and all of us stunned n amazed ! This story is so nicely written and makes you wanna read more n more. Can I ask for longer chapters please 😌

    Liked by 2 people

  7. First let me say … Love all the songs referred 😊
    Meera… Can we get a glimpse into Arnav’s feeling . You let us build our own assumptions based on a hint here and there. This time round Arnav seems to be waiting for Khusi to make the first move. Very happy that Arnav has Nishant and also hoping that he will play the Cupid for our two star crossed lovers.
    Cannot wait to read more and more of the story

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Ah, so Nishant-sir is back, so good to connect to friends after a decade, isn’t it? And yes, Khushi should go and see them – after all, they were all friends though they might not have considered themselves that being junior senior in the college!! And they are all connected by music too – all of them still love that, that’s more than enough to bind them for life!! Arnav and Khushi going there together and spending time over the weekend – sounds very nice, surely some fire works are expected.

    Week after week, I want to see something happening between the leads, and nothing is happening/progressing, give us something in the next one at least, will you? :) Please :)!

    And when am i going to read about the other couple?, waiting eagerly for that…… Beautiful chapter, enjoyed so much reading it.

    so agree with you Meera, Begin again and One day at a time – sheer brilliance, the writers and the stories are amazing!!!

    Liked by 3 people

  9. That was a brilliant update…so much times has passed and after everything that has been said and done between Khushi and Arnav, after everything they have gone through life for them has come to a awkward standstill..and it will take some time for both of them to get back to how they used to be with each other in the past…it is ought to take time and is not something that can be set right in the blink of the eye…but yet one thing still remains, Khushi and Arnav still effect one another…from the look in Arnav’s eye, to Khushi’s restlessness they convey the story of how these two are wanting to reconnect and begin on a fresh page…the guilt still remains in Khushi for hurting Arnav and it will go away with time maybe…so Arnav goes to visit Nishant during the weekends..glad that Nishant and Khushi spoke and I hope Nishant gives Arnav and Khushi’s relationship the push and the awkward silence between Khushi and Arnav breaks, making way for non-stop heart to heart conversations between the two…please do continue soon…waiting for the next update eagerly.. :-)

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Meri initial comment WordPress kha gaya :( . Par hum bhi haar mananewale nahi hai! So here goes!!
    First and foremost, AV’s subtle body language , now as well as in the past ! So many times, Meera has showed us just something that is so wispy, intangible, and insubstantial glimpse that it manages to cool our longing but still leaves us parched for more. What a skill author sahiba ! I would really hate you for torturing us this way had I not loved you so!
    Second is the Arohan video!! First when I read the whole thing, a worm’s eyeview made me rejoice about Khushi’s reaction, made me feel emotional about AV’s longing. But ultimately came the question, ki iska kya fayda? Khushi being khushi kuch karegi to nahi. She will only think about what iffs and torment herself and therefore in long run AV too. But then I sat back and took stock of the whole river journey with a bird’s eyeview and realised something amazing!!!
    See, we know about a caterpillar surrounding itself in a cocoon to emerge as a beautiful butterfly. From all accounts it’s a painful process and needs lot of internal and external efforts. And it cannot be hurried ahead. Or else the butterfly gets damaged. Isn’t that Khushi’s situation now??? She is much entangled her cocoon of insecurity, doubts, inferiority complex that she just cannot be free of it in one stroke. The process needs time. And to be fair, I think the process started in earnest only after she read AV’s name at the orientation. Each step in the journey is now about Khusi’s transformation too, and by transformation I don’t mean those magical makeovers they show in movies. It’s about her emerging as more confident, secure in her own skin, aware of her appeal and mostly about her feelings for AV and AV’s for her! After all a river’s journey is not just about merging with ocean is it?? It’s about forging her own identity too!
    All the incidences, conversations and interactions time and again of Khushi wih Arjun. Tripti, Ramu, Shyam, even RDX, they are inching her to it. She came somewhat to term with her weight issues, even started working on them to an extent, She is proving herself professionally, she lasted under RDX, with Arjun’s initiative may be but she held on to friendships, she has sufficient people praising her for various things, slowly over the period I see her uncertainties becoming more insubstantial! And THAT I think is the key to finally meeting her ocean on even foot! Some of the previous readers have raised a very valid point that how would a relationship between these two last considering the emotional incompatibility. I think our author sahiba is slowly and slyly addressing the issue without us even realising it!
    And now about the NK curveball! What would this lead to? More complications? Don’t think so! For one thing NK was never seriously interested in Khushi, he was more interested in her singing talent (Ek aur suitor aa gaya to khushi ab bhaag khadi hogi!!!!), secondly, too much time has passed and third, I also think he is married or committed (Lavanya anyone??? ;)
    I feel NK has been over the period to AV what Arjun has been to Khushi (That DOES NOT MEAN he had a crush on AV ! For god’s sake ;)) i.e. perceptive friend who instinctively understands the thoughts of a private person. AV may have tried to move on. He may have even delegated Khushi’s thought to the back of his mind, and tried to cut his losses, but in spite of being a charismatic, successful, attractive man was not able to do so? Why? Was he unknowingly searching for that elusive something? May be NK understood him over the period due to spoken or unspoken thoughts! Also AV’s reluctance to bring khushi into the familiar fold is also eloquent to someone who knows him don’t you think?? May be he will also prove to be the bridge that again joins their broken song journey together I think. And finally, the fact that khushi has so much liking and respect for him, will bring her an unbiased but knowledgeable POV about AV’s thoughts and feelings!
    Fingers crossed for next weekend!!

    Liked by 5 people

  11. Listing fantasies:

    1) Kaveri watching Varun play with NK’s toddler
    2) Kaveri jamming “Barso re Megha”
    3) Kaveri and Varun jamming “Pyar ye jaane kaisa hai”

    Liked by 7 people

  12. Loved the youtube video.
    Now I can’t wait for Khushi and AV getting together with NK and them singing somethng special.
    Hope this hzppens!
    Have been in love with a guitar playing Arnav since Careless Whispers. Just can’t get enough of him and his singing.

    Liked by 3 people

  13. I though these two will discuss the issues if they are locked in a room, but no, a week or more in Detroit, but these 2 are behaving like a normal senior and junior rather than two people who share feelings. Arnav I can understand his indifference, the details of third call might reveal the exact reason, but still I can assume what made him behave like AV- the senior manager rather than AV sir, or Arnav. But Khushi, 5 years after the “breakup” and still she is in love with this man. And stupid her, she believes controlling her thoughts will help her to forget the love. Darling we cannot consciously love a person, nor can hate a person deliberately, if it was in our control, the life would be very easy. The harder you try to forget, the more you think about it, that is what you are doing now.
    NK again on frame. The “Us” usage denotes that he is not living alone, but Is he married? Is it possible he lives with his colleagues or friends? Should we expect NK proposing Khushi scenario and on her eagerness to getting over the past, accepts the proposal and makes the scenario more complicated. Or Is there another girl in Arnav’s life already, I cannot blame him even if there is another girl as Khushi haven’t given him any reason to wait. 5 years is quite a long time. But seriously, if that makes Khushi understand the importance of Arnav in her life and if that helps her to overcome her insecurity , then I would love that scenario. We normally understand the relevance when we lost it or when we are on the verge of losing it .
    Meera, Khushi and Arnav have the will power to wait for more years I guess, but we are frail, don’t make us wait for more than a week for the next update.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. nice one… NK is back….. hope now Khushi will understand the AV she loves. pl ye Arnav bhi na khud to kuch karega nahi ab jo bhi karnahai Nishant ya Arjun ko hi karna hoga……………still waiting for Arnav’s last 10 years turmoil……..

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Thanks for the interesting update 😃
    Another surprised is Nishant, he also liked​ khushi
    Why khushi running away from arnav s feelings??
    She is understanding arjuns, Nishant s feeling s
    What about av???
    I liked the way you described full song video
    How will be her meeting with Nishant
    Update soon 😃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It does feel differently! the thought creeps in – update day.. and then I realize😐 .. way too greedy myself!

      Dil ka haal sune dilwala
      Sidhi si baat na mirch masala
      Kahake rahega kahanewala
      Dil ka haal sune dilwala


      Liked by 5 people

  16. I am back with my silly prediction as usual :-) In the last phone call I guess Arnav promised never to talk about this to Kushi ever again..he even told Arjun that earlier also he didn’t do anything neither now he will do. It’s upto Kushi now to initiate..lets see how she does it..
    btw Arnav will notice Kushi’s mood ( her crying after watching the video on weekend) Monday but he might not question her.. will Kushi ask Arnav about his stay with NK? About NK’s family etc?

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Wow!! Return of NK was something ehh….didnt expect it :)
    AV usually comes down and stays with us.
    Somehow when I read that line, in my mind I pictured NK happily married and for some weird reason I felt he might have married Divya Mam – NK sir’s batchmate – computers – Divya Sahay or something – who sang Aarohan with AV the previous year? Dont ask me why I felt like that…but the first thing that came to my mind was Divya Mam :)
    After all, the truth was that if Arjun had not shown up at the station when she was first leaving for Bangalore, she might never have reached out to him of her own accord
    This statement kind of stood out to me and was a little surprising to me to be honest. I think this goes to show how much she is a prisoner of inertia and loath to broach difficult conversations and situations in personal life though she may be quite the opposite in her professional life. I dont mean to imply that she should have forgiven Arjun and should have done the needful to restore her friendship with him. That is a decision that she took at the camp itself. But if Arjun had not taken the first step, then she might have never taken the initiative to make it happen even if thats what her heart wants.
    So the “I cannot do this alone” message to Arjun goes to show how much she has tried to improve on that. rusting people and her instincts and reaching out to them for help. And I really really hope the more she understands Arnav, the more she will feel like taking that first step towards him without holding back.
    Though I can’t help but think – office romance has its own challenges, but relationship with boss – quite tricky no?
    Sorry Meera, I have not been commenting regularly when you stick to your schedule like clockwork despite a challenging AD. I know you dont expect us to be apologetic about it, but still it nags when we don’t do our bit to this beautiful creation of yours and all the wonderful notes and comments your writing elicits from other readers.
    Have a great week every one!!


    Liked by 5 people

  18. Hello Meera
    Fantastic update
    Khushi is aware that AV cares for her and sensitive towards her needs and wants.
    Nishant, called AV, a mysterious man, no doubt in that,
    Mr AV, _what r ur plans Mr, one week gone, no initiative.
    The description of video Meera, was so good, Felt like seeing if my self.
    Loved every word of the update.
    Thank u for the wonderful update.
    Will check out the stories u suggested.
    Thank u for suggesting

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Hai meera i am new here…i am asking for u r permission to read u r stories…emarald isetales…words worth…please grant me permission

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Wow,
    What a surprise,
    Nishant sir is calling AV as mystery!!!!!!
    Felt the excitement along with Khushi when she talked to him!!!!
    You convey these feelings and emotions so superbly!!!!!
    A huge fan of yours Meera di, huge fan!!!!!
    Hats off!!!!
    Take Care!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. I was out of town last couple of days and without internet connectivity and busy with life. However, I am surprised that my mind kept reminding me that you have updated on Friday and I am yet to read it..Lol. Meera, now you are aware of your hold on me..:)
    You sketched Av’s and NK’s youtube rendition with such skill that it was like I was seeing the video rather than reading your words..*applause for your writing* . And Kushi connecting with NK brought memories back of a similar kind of friendship that I shared with a friend. Felt nostalgic. And weekend invitation for Kushi along with AV will bring in many an interaction and stir up so many emotions as well. Kushi understands it and is a bit apprehensive. Looking forward to their weekend with NK and family. Five years is a long time and now it is up to Kushi to make the move because AV with his patience may make us impatient..:)

    Liked by 1 person

  22. “You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.” ― Oscar Wilde

    I read this and I had to post it!!

    Liked by 7 people

  23. I must admit that I tread cautiously in this one. With weekend looming large, I thought perhaps something would happen. But then it didn’t. And midway through I was a bit disappointed (more so because Pani Da’s video came up, and I thought that the chapter had ended).

    It comes as a surprise, but I never thought I would be this pleased by the notable presence of a character who wasn’t Arnav, Khushi or Arjun (or maybe Ragini or Tripti). I didn’t pay much attention at Nishant back at IE-V and then later, he was mentioned in passing. Bringing him into the fray right now is surely going to spice up things. And he mentioned we…did that mean he and Arnav, or there’s a lady involved?

    P.S. Inertia and miserliness…I see a kindred spirit in Khushi :P

    Liked by 6 people

  24. My dear Khushi, You got to fight it girl.
    She’s been stuck there like forever. She is got to make a move now. Not that, AV can;t do it but I think Khushi has got a very stubborn heart right now. Unless she hints at it, there is hardly anything anyone can do… But I am hoping music will play a great role to make her realize that she has to give him a chance since what they share is deeper than anything else. It’s worth it…… Nishant sir hopefully is happily married and play cupid here…Wistful thinking…

    Liked by 2 people

  25. I am a person who never gives much thought to lyrics or even remembers them after a song is over… But reading these series with all memorable songs you have included.. the words, the emotions gets a new meaning.. sigh anyone would be moved to tears hearing AV sing like that.. looking forward

    Liked by 2 people

  26. No doubts that Khushi admires the Senior Manager Arnav Varun but she is ignorant about the real man who seems to be masking his feelings for her. Agreed that now he is her senior at work but no harm being nice and friendly with him….she could make some effort to get to know him. No point in assuming things and feeling guilty!

    The YouTube video and the passing glimpse of that “unnamed emotion” in AV’s eyes left her moist eyes and a heavy heart…..this reaction is due to her suppressed feelings for him. Nishant’s call and their conversation has certainly brightened Khushi. It’s time for her to accept old friends and the repressed memories back into her life…not everyone gets this second chance. Visit to Nishant’s place will be good for her and AV indeed. Beautiful song Meera!

    Liked by 2 people

  27. The awkwardness, when will it go away. I know many years has passed and they have many issues, unfinished issues to reaolve but they don’t even seem to be talking on general mattaer untill the silence become too uncomfortable than how will they tread towards uncharted territory?

    And than that video, these subtle eye moments by Arnav. However hard he tries those feeling can’t be hidden. Be it at the door say good night or in the video, singing lyrics which coincidentally revealing his hidden feelings.

    All this makes me wonder how will they meet on neutral ground and than bam!

    Nk returns with an’us’. Who is the woman in NK’s life. And will khushi really be accepting NK invitation to join them with Arnav. I’m hoping this to be a way for khushi to see Arnav as a person like his friend and batchmate would see and not some hero, amazing singer, brilliant student, or star performer senior at work. Just the Arnav.

    Liked by 2 people

  28. Wooww!! That’s a brilliant work!!! So beautifully written and portraying of the characters, their bonding and their emotions!!

    I read the story as continuously as the real life work permitted me to!! And, I am so involved in the journey of River, that now I’m imagining the scenes of our AV and KKG meeting and walking on the shore in my dreams!!!

    So very much looking forward to reading the further journey!!

    Liked by 2 people

  29. Oh Meera! Let me give you a hug!! Thank you Thank you so much for brining back NK…You made my heart soar when Kavi spoke to him…am sure it was same like how Kavi would have felt to hear him….AV, you mysterious guy….really cant understand you….hey Meera, btw, NK is married? The'” üs” did make me raise my eyebrow…oh please, at one end I would like to see NK settled but at the other end, I would like to see him unattached and see the possibilities…anyways its nice ingredient into the story…lovely! Its always nice to connect with people you had been out of touch for a long while…its nostalgic as well as return of warmth of the good old days…

    Liked by 3 people

  30. This update is very nostalgic and it not only brought back decade old memories to Khushi but to me too.
    College days, friendships and events they will be in our memory for a lifetime.
    Waiting for Khushi to meet her seniors and batch mates and may be singing with Nishant sir, AV Sir once again just like in old days.

    Liked by 3 people

  31. Meera
    I was going through the comment and realise one thing.Whatever you write everyone cross section each lines to see what is hidden in those lines.
    “Pani Da rang ” is one of my favourite song.I think the lyric were perfect in here.For me that song is was always the ache of a bleeding heart.
    You transport ‘US ‘to the world of AV and Khushi through your writing.
    “Amazing Meera”

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Mai fir aa gayi moo utake with my silly prediction :-)
    someone here earlier had said that may be Nishant Sir is married to Divya maam.. I always had it in my mind.
    today am at chapter 8 ( am rereading River from new perspective) and Divya maam is 3rd year computers and Nishant Sir is 3rd year Mech..looks like both came to US for M.S aur love ho gaya.. thats why Arnav is comfortable with them and she too loves music and they jam together….my filmy brain is thinking ok?
    btw I always felt am similar to Kushi but now am finding more similarities (except that she is brilliant!!)

    Liked by 2 people

  33. Hayee-

    Paani da, rang vekh ke

    Aankhiyaanch, hanju rudd de

    What a heartfelt update Meera. I will be honest with you that when I read this update in rush in middle of work– did not understand the real depth . Today finally I reread it leisurely in plane on my way to Denver and I am literally crying ( yes fellow passengers looked at me weirdly and I pretended to clean my eyes). The whole song and lyrics sung by Arnav and NK killed me with those emotions. These lines–“Kothe utte baihke, ankhiyaan milaunde

    Na jaana humein tu kabhi chhod

    Tere utte marda, pyaar tenu karda

    Milega tujhe na koi aur “.
    Haye and haye❤️❤️.
    Firstly I am so glad that I can actually read and understand Punjabi so well.
    After reading this chapter and the u tube video and Arnav ‘s emotions– I have now not even tiny winy doubt in my heart that he loves her irrevocably and deeply.

    My heart cried for Arnav’s yearning. He is still waiting as he promised at river— no matter what happens when truth is revealed–he will be waiting and he is just doing that– what kind of man he is– I want him more and more— Meera Batao na– Asli duniya me bhi aise log milte hai Kya.

    I also cried with Khushi after watching that u tube video for her guilt and realization that in all this she not only hurt herself but him too.(Her heart spun around her spine in an axis of heartache as the screen now focused on his eyes alone and nothing else).

    These lines—”
    Tu bhi aa, sabko chhod ke,

    Tu bhi aa, sabko chhod ke,

    Meri, ankhiyaanch hanju rudd de.

    I died Meera after reading the anguish, yearning , hurt and desire hidden in these. I am typing and my tears are flowing tup tup. You are just a heck of a writer Meera for doing this to me with your subtle and magical writing—powerhouse of emotions. No wonder this slow moving tale over the span of years has kept us hooked completely and irreversibly. On one hand I want to see lot of romance between them but on other hand greedy me want to feel these subtle and deep emotions also– now is sankiness ka Kya karoon😘.

    Meera you gave reference to Notting hill and that morning after scene with Julia Roberts in his tee shirt— I was literally grinning as that scene is plastered in my head too after a decade as this is one of total 5-6 movies I have watched with hubby in theatre( yes hubby is allergic to movies esp 3 hrs long Hindi movie and I have to threaten or use emotional blackmail for him to watch movie with me in theatre and he agreed for this as he is a die hard fan of THAT😩😳Julia Roberts much to my displeasure). Now after that i desperately want to see my dear Miss KKG in that large tee shirt after real morning after.
    King bed –checked
    Tee shirt– checked
    All we need is Khushi and Arnav thrown together alone in room— now don’t say we don’t know you– I have read all your stories and I am waiting for that to happen soon enough. After giving us spells of crying for so long– you have to give us that toe curling romance– HAKK hai hamara 🙄. I remember prologue of CW and other scenes in CW and your other stories– so no excuse you don’t write them🙄😚.

    It was good to know about dear nishant sir. I am already looking forward to her weekend getaway to his place. So AV did not tell him about her till today. Why– ?. And why today. I wonder why he told today– was it for the fact he was sad that he was leaving Khushi alone and can not take her with him when he himself was visiting NK sir and he told NK so that now there is an opportunity for NK to invite her as well or he was just being mysterious and elusive and nk found out today due to absence of his car— whatever but why do I feel that the little Flicker of something in Arnav’s eyes when he handed over the car keys to Khushi was due to this fact only.

    Meera my phone’s battery is dying — so chalte chalte–I have this request to see more of Arnav. I want to see what he does, what kind of room he has, how he spends time when he is not with Khushi as I feel as if I hardly know anything about him. I am starving and thirsty to see more of Arnav. I know you possibly can not give all his interlude (although I expect all detailed version definitely in the end) but can you give a chottu sa version about him and what happened in last 5 years (you are master of giving little and keeping all main course and desert to yourself 🤣🙏😘. Please🤗🤗.

    Song which instantly came to my mind after reading the chapter is also in Punjabi and for my AV Sir–/

    Liked by 5 people

  34. Had a few chapters to catch up on…..beautiful updates…..with each chapter the mystery behind Arnav Varun’s character deepens…..is what was said during the third call making him behave this way? How did he feel meeting kushi for the first time? What does he feel now? Questions one too many…..questions i want answers to but at the same time don’t want the end to come too fast….I’m not making sense am i?
    Will wait for the story to unfold……lovely updates so far….

    Liked by 2 people

  35. Oh my😊! Love is in the air😜👍😊! Arnav is way deep in love 😍 with Khushi but he’s waiting for Khushi to realize her love for him and take the first step😃! That’s why he didn’t want to leave Khushi alone and be far away from Khushi anymore. Excited to read more about NK and hope to see all three singing together in future. Can’t wait to read more🤔😊!

    Liked by 1 person

  36. Finally caught up , now it is gonna get worse, earlier I did a marathon read to 50 chapters to reach here now I will have to wait weekly. in this there was no ‘inertia’ unlike Khushi.
    I hope Nishant sir aka NK is married or involved want no hinderances in the Arnav -Khushi.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You catch up quick, San! Welcome to the club. Together in heartbreak, joy and misery.
      Has it really been fifty chapters? So many spanning a little more than a whole decade and still the ‘Let her sit.’ dialogue is just as fresh. As if it isn’t years but yesterday.

      Liked by 3 people

  37. Meera, a quick question –
    Black and White – Yay or Nay?

    And I found something that makes me very very happy. Since there’s no better place to share, here it is –

    Nishant Sir would approve, nahi? :)

    Liked by 4 people

    1. The video was brilliant … loved it!!! I am sharing with little Meera today – she loves the original…

      PS: My hubby and I got a scare when she sang along with it when we were driving… word for word…. confused whether to let it play or switch it off… she already knew the lyrics 😂 But eventually when we saw the video it was so much better than listening to the song alone…. :)

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Haha! At that age, the challenge was singing the whole song word for word, beat for beat and if there is a signature step then do that too. (It was so, atleast for me :p) I don’t think meaning came in the list of priorities then. If your Meera’s really listening to the songs then … you’d know better.
        But I’ll admit, you can’t listen to the song without doing a small step or humming along. Very hard to stop the hands, shoulders or the hips :D

        Liked by 4 people

    2. Oh this is good! Thanks Nivi for sharing.
      Seen this? The focus is on dance here but it does put a smile on your face. Actually people are going crazy creating different versions of shape of you currently😃

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Some of the creations that stem from the original are worth it. Thanks P! This is happy too. But then Punjabis always have that effect. :D I sometimes wonder if in some janam I was or will be one. :p

        Arnav Khushi doing a hook step. I wonder if it’ll, when it will be. He did the one in Tu kab yeh jaanegi. Now only if she wasn’t a fluttery mass of nerves and just plain shy, she’d have strutted across the stage, much like Bipasha. I can easily imagine Trip doing this to Arjun though. :D

        See, now I’ll be thinking of all the ways Arnav and Khushi can dance together. Preferably the hold-me-closer kind. Sweet dreams for me! :D

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Especially these lines! That is the reason I wanted to post this for a while (and always forgot)

          Jab dil ne koyi aawaj suni
          Tera hi tarana yad aaya

          Liked by 2 people

  38. thxxx Meera..it looks good.. now I started stalking formally for today’s update :-) I am waiting for Arnav’s bday but have a feeling you will start with the last phone call..
    btw I am rereading old chapters and noticed Arnav said ““I won’t. Whatever happens – I will wait.” He meant he will wait for her near the river at night but I am seeing other meaning i.e he said he will wait and still waiting for her..

    Liked by 2 people

  39. Niveditha…just saw the Carnatic cover for shape of you!!! Loved it…. Was imagining arnav’s face in place of the chap in brown sweater….
    Meera… Waiting for the romance to bloom in midst of Bollywood songs again!
    It’s Monday…n late ist…update please…
    Can I be greedy and ask for two updates a week….pppllleeeaaassseee

    Liked by 2 people

  40. NK!!! He’s back! It is indeed a full circle for Khushi. It’ll maybe bring in a jealousy factor? :P It’s going to be interesting.
    Khushi is a lazy ass like me lol. Though I guess her reluctance had more to do with it being AV… She’s willing to do for Nishant Sir.
    She drove alone and successfully. Hehe.
    But now I’m chomping at the bits to read the new chapter so see you then. Sorry Meera for the less than satisfactory comment.

    Liked by 1 person

  41. Hii dii I don’t know how I missed the updates ☹️ But anyway better late than 😀

    Khushi is the most sweetest simple girl ever seen filmy lazy but she’s got a hard working intelligent competitive side to her ☺️

    The whole description of how she spend her weekend was so relatable and girl drove alone finally yaay👌🏻🙂

    The girl is still hurting and hasn’t gotten over her feelings for Arnav 😭 I really want to see her face her heart feelings enough of running away ☺️

    Arnav is one of the most well composed complicated guy seen so far man is hell bent on acting like a hard nut to crack but then no worries I trust you dii 😏😈

    Nishant sir was so sweet finally begins the revisiting past chapter of Khushi begins 👌🏻 Excited☺️😉

    Liked by 1 person

  42. Lovely song and an awesome singer he is.

    I am so curious to know what Arnav is feeling as we know Khushi is making no progress for herself..may be it is ment be like this because it could be that the story is how she fights her own confidence or lack of it and comes out to embrace truly?

    But still feels a tinge for arnav and his longing if he is still in love.

    Liked by 1 person

  43. Thank you for such a heartfelt n nostalgic update .
    Had to catch up on a few chapters though .
    So very happy to have NK back , n I’m hoping it will loosen Khushi a bit .
    Looking forward to a positive change in Khushi .
    The wait had been far too long for Arnav … N the song said t all .
    Waiting patiently .
    Just have to say this
    Meera , your a wonderful writer .
    God Bless .

    Liked by 1 person

  44. Thank you so much for your reply and kind words Meera….it really means a lot to me.
    Loved this amazing,visual and heart touching chapter..with my favorite songs.The video scene was exceptional and same was the description of Khushi’s feelings .Simply brilliant…
    Love and regards,
    Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey! Welcome to the River. You can visit the Index page and start with the Prologue. I am grateful to Anupama for bringing you here – I hope it is worth your while


  45. Thank you for the wonderful chapter. Heart wrenching song it is….Fantastic song for the right time & aptitude. Me time was bound & needed to work out her resistance & reconcile on her feelings on where she stands with Arnav. She needed to redefine & rectify her own priorities & figure out what she wants. She was glad to hear NK’s voice. Hope she would loosen up. She is so tight bound. So Arnav didn’t tell him until he went to visit him.

    Liked by 1 person

  46. How can you make Arnav as a senior consultant so endearing. I always assumed that Arnav as AV in college and later as a rustic river guy was irresistible, but Arnav in his profession is no less. You make us wish for a boss like him.
    It’s great to see Arnav still in touch with his old buddies and more importantly with his music. It’s not just limited to “Behne de”. I am sure Arnav must be miffed by Khushi’s rejection for braeakfast invitation. Nishant Sir surely knows how one remembers him. That training in classical music was also what I remembered about him. I really hope Khushi’s accepts the weekend invitation. That might be a good opportunity for her to see Arnav in a different light rather than just being her senior in the firm.

    Liked by 1 person

  47. Enigma,thy name is AV.. He is making her fall in love with him all over again.. Reminds me of a dialogue from DDLJ when Simran tells her mom…
    “Woh pavan ke jhonkhe ki tarah aaya… Aur main suke patthe ke tarah uske saath ufti chali gayi! ♡♡♡♡”


  48. awesome update yar
    khushi is not ready to even think about the possibility of them having a relationship….but she still feels pain in thinking he might have someone……and she is making herself belief that it doesn’t matter…….. Nishant sir….so arnav spends weekend with him…..I really hope that he gives khushi a push to rethink about her decision

    Liked by 1 person

  49. Now NK in picture,it’s gonna be fun..
    Is he married or single is yet to be seen..
    So Arnav has not any SOMEONE more than a friend..
    He spends his weekend with Nishant..
    Khushi’s been invited by Nishant Sir himself …
    Good idea !!!

    Liked by 2 people

  50. AV sir will be spending the weekend away from the Inn. I wonder why?
    He gave the car to Khushi to use it on the weekend. Khushi has managed not only to spend the weekend all by herself but also managed a solo trip to the mall. NK sir surprised her with his call and invited to visit him on the next weekend. Will she?

    Liked by 1 person

  51. Did Arnav initiate NK s invite to kh ?
    I want kh to accept the weekend visit
    Hoping that NK is married ( to La, like in all Arshi FF s ) , Kh will be drawn to AV in the domestic setup
    She was already imagining him in mamu avatar , & felt bad for loosing that opportunity
    He is a legend at work, Greek god in person , wholesome family man ,worships Jiju, Ti Di, loves his friends , helps acquaintances get lost Kaveri
    Let me kidnap this AV , keep him hidden in my basement or attic


  52. Hi Ana
    I am not selfish ,willing to share Hotwa with the fellow sanki sisters here on Meera s blog
    staring with authorji 👍🏼
    Is that ok ?

    Liked by 1 person

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